In the beginning:
This was my first close-up photo of a flower -
Marsh Cinquefoil Potentilla palustris - taken during a birding
holiday to the Isle of Lewis in 1985. Before that time, I had no interest in
flowers, having spent much of my holidays in my youth working on a nursery,
but there were so many interesting plants around, I could not help but get
involved in capturing images of them. I was rather disappointed with the
results from that trip, so I enrolled in several courses both on photography
and plant identification. After 20+ years, I’m still learning and still
enjoying myself.
The photo lacks sparkle, the plane of focus is in the wrong place and there
is insufficient depth of field to render the flower sharp over its whole
width. Most especially, the petals towards the camera are out of focus.
I started out with a Bronica ETRS, but found I was getting too many pics
spoiled by camera vibration, also, having to wind on manually after every
frame meant that the camera moved, so I had to line it all up again. A new
camera was needed, so after much deliberation I went for the Rollei 6006
with its built-in motor wind, through the lens metering, ultra quiet
electronic shutter, its facility for mirror pre-release and its superb Zeiss
Planar lenses - in my opinion the finest medium format camera available at
that time. |
This was my early setup on the left, the Rollei
with 80mm lens plus a supplementary close-up lens of +1 or +4. The flash gun
does not have TTL metering. Here, I am using the technique learned from a
course on close-up photography. Using a rotary calculator, I have worked out
the flash to subject distance to give me the correct amount of balanced
flash for the subject and use the tape measure to position the Vivitar 283
flash gun at the correct distance.
With the flashgun held at a 45 degree angle to the camera, the subject is
lit by both flash and daylight to give the correct exposure - filling in
when the light is harsh or adding highlight when the light is dull - but the
flash misses the background included in the view, so rendering the
background underexposed by about 1 stop. This brings the subject out from
its background - as shown by the Wood Horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum in the
image on the right - while maintaining some detail in the background but
without rendering it too dark which in my opinion looks so unnatural for
daylight photos that are taken with flash alone. |
This was my eventual setup with the Rollei, having
added a 120mm Makro Planar lens, a bellows and a Metz 45CT5 flashgun which
does have TTL metering. Flash and daylight are metered separately, allowing
each to be controlled independently, so no more having to calculate the
flash distance and use a tape measure, I could simply set up the equipment
to get the exact shot I wanted, wait for the wind to drop enough for the
plant to stop moving and press the remote release. The Rollei has an “in
lens” shutter, which means that the flash can be synchronised with any
shutter speed. As well as being able to compensate exposure by altering the
shutter speed, by use of the ISO dial on the flash adapter I can bracket the
flash exposure if necessary. The image on the right, Northern Fen Orchid
Dactylorhiza purpurella, is the one that was taken with the setup shown.
With several lenses, bellows, flashgun, batteries, Benbo Mk1 tripod and all
the other accessories that I carried, this was a very heavy outfit. Fine if
I was working in a small area close to the car, but when it meant trekking
long distances, then the weight started to tell. |